I am inventing a new language (and not the stupid kind where you just replace English words with made-up words). This is a structured language similar to Spanish and Na'vi, with a little French and Japanese-sounding sounds.
Over the next few days, weeks, and months I will post more info on this language.
Today is the Alphabet and Pronounciations of the letters by themselves. (Such as in Spanish, the letter "W" is pronounced "dobleh-beh" but in sentences it is still pronounced "wuh" or "weh")
Aa - Ah
Bb - Beh
Cc - Zee
Dd - Deh
Ee - Ee
Ff - Effa
Gg - Jeh
Hh - Aytch
Ii - Aye/Ie (as in Aye, Aye Captain)
Jj - Jay
Kk - Keh
Ll - Ell
Mm - Em
Nn - Enno
Oo - Ooh
Pp - Peh
Qq - Queh (Kweh)
Rr - Arr
Ss - Ess
Tt - Teh
Uu - Yoo
Vv - Vee
Ww - Wah
Xx - Exeh (Eckseh)
Yy - Why
Zz - Zeho/Zeeho
Íí - Eeyie (ee-yie)
Üü - Ooway
Áá - Ayo (Sometimes said "Iyo")
%u014C%u014D - Oh